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Congress recommendations

How we're meeting the recommendations of Bruce Carr KC, KPMG and other independent reviewers

See the progress we’re making

We're committed to meeting all 38 recommendations raised through independent reviews of the culture of our College.

3 of these recommendations relate to RCN Congress – our annual network and learning event. They're helping us to provide more support for our members and staff at Congress, and to improve how our members vote on key decisions. 

Recommendations may not appear in consecutive order.

The audience and speaker at a Congress event

Recommendation 28

Provide more support for attendees at Congress.


In the foreword to his report, Bruce Carr KC said: "It is right that I acknowledge that at the 2022 Congress, significant safeguards were put in place and appear to have been effective in ensuring that the event was one at which participants were protected from any risk of exploitation."

Recommendation 29

Investigate the full extent of any inappropriate sexual activity at Congress.


Bruce Carr KC has concluded the full investigation into sexual misconduct at Congress.

Recommendation 32

Review voting arrangements at Congress to ensure that all voices are heard.


We have received an internal audit from Evelyn Partners on the current voting arrangements at Congress, and this will feed into a wider review of Congress. It includes a recommendation to undertake an equality impact assessment to highlight ways we can achieve fully inclusive representation of our membership at Congress. An action plan for the implementation of all internal audit findings has been drafted, and some immediate actions for 2024 have been implemented.

Page last updated - 28/11/2023