Governance recommendations
How we're meeting the recommendations of Bruce Carr KC, KPMG and other independent reviewers
See the progress we’re making
We're committed to meeting all 38 recommendations raised through independent reviews of the culture of our College.
28 of these recommendations relate to our governance, and will help us provide clarity, transparency and accountability in all that we do.
Recommendations may not appear in consecutive order.

Recommendation 1
Our 5-year strategy, A New Dawn for Nursing, has been agreed and published, and the implementation phase is underway. The strategy was developed through extensive member and staff engagement and consultation. It has 4 clear, distinct goals which will set a clear path going forward.
A detailed strategic roadmap has been developed and has been scrutinised by the Executive Team and Council. Annual Operational plans for every Directorate are in place.
There are 5 elements to this recommendation, 4 of which have been completed. The final element of this recommendation – the completion of the 5-year strategy – will have been delivered by December 2027.
Recommendation 2
This recommendation requires us to review and update the role descriptors and person specifications for all our elected positions, as well as for the General Secretary and Chief Executive. Work has begun on each of these, and the key ones are on track to be completed by the end of December 2024.
A single overarching roles and responsibilities descriptor has been produced describing the role and responsibility of the executive compared to Council.
In July 2024, Council approved the updated roles and responsibilities descriptors for the RCN President and Deputy President, Chair and Vice Chair of Council, Council members, and Chair and Vice Chair of Congress. In October 2024, roles and responsibilities descriptors were approved for those Committees that report directly to Council, including those for the External Advisers that sit on some of those committees.
There are 35 elements to this recommendation, 21 of which have been completed. A further 10 elements will be completed by December 2024, 3 elements will be complete by October 2025 and the final element on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2026.
Recommendation 3
Updated terms of reference have been approved and published for many of the Standing Committees, including: the Fellows Co-ordinating Committee, the Forums Governance Group, the Governance Committee, the Group Audit Committee, the International Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Finance and Investment Committee.
Updated terms of reference have been approved and published for the 5 Representative Committees: the Nursing Support Workers Committee, the Students Committee and our 3 UK reps committees.
Following the approval of the scheme of delegation by RCN Council in July 2024, the updated terms of reference for Council were approved in October 2024.
There are 24 elements to this recommendation, 20 of which have been completed. The remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by April 2025.
Recommendation 4
The scheme of delegation establishes and outlines a framework for delegations of authority for the RCN Group decision making, to ensure clarity around decision making within the RCN. This has been presented to all the country and regional Boards and was approved by Council in July 2024.
This recommendation is now complete.
Recommendation 5
External advisers currently sit on the following Committees: Finance and Investment; Group Audit; Remuneration; Governance; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
A Skills Audit has been completed, and a Skills Matrix developed. The matrix will be reviewed whenever a vacancy arises. At their April 2024 meeting, Council confirmed that at this time, no further external advisers are needed for other committees. External advisers are engaged in the programme of work to strengthen their roles. Council also confirmed that all external advisers should have voting rights on their respective committees, and the terms of reference for these have been updated to reflect this. Role descriptors have also been developed for the External Advisers and from this year onwards, they will be invited to the AGM and to 1 meeting of Council per year. We now hold structured quarterly meetings with them, which members of ET and the Senior Leadership Team attend to talk about key areas of work and campaigns e.g. safe staffing, allowing the External Advisers to learn more about the wider RCN.
There are 9 elements to this recommendation, 5 of which have been completed. A further 2 elements will be completed by December 2024. All work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2027.
Recommendation 6
We now use consistent formats and templates for Council, Committee and Board meetings. All templates, and guidance on how and when to use them, are available on the RCN Intranet to ensure the latest versions are used by those managing meetings. The new templates, which will be reviewed annually, include a clear executive summary of the paper, its level of confidentiality and the steps taken to demonstrate the papers have been properly scrutinised before reaching Council. At the 2023 AGM, Council committed to providing a mechanism for members to propose agenda items for Council meetings. A process has been developed and agreed by Council and is now live on the RCN website.
There were 12 elements to this recommendation, all of which have been completed.
Recommendation 7
Agree on the length and frequency of meetings.
The Report on Governance (KPMG, 2022) recommendation was to 'reduce the time for Council and committee meetings. Shorter and less frequent meetings will allow for increased focus and more agile strategic discussion'. The 2024 schedule of meetings for Council, committees and boards 2024 has been agreed with half taking place in person and the other half online. This will reduce the burden on member time, removing a barrier to members who might like to nominate themselves for a role but don't believe they can commit sufficient time. This recommendation is now complete.
There were 5 elements to this recommendation, all of which have been completed.
Recommendation 8
A new induction and skills audit process is in place for Council, and we will be rolling out a two-year learning and development programme for Council in 2025. This will form the basis of a programme that will be rolled out more widely across other committees. The skills audit defines the support, learning and development needs of Council and committee members whether on an individual or group basis. The Executive Team has considered the different formats and methods that can be utilised when considering and debating complex matters.
There are 12 elements to this recommendation, 2 of which have been completed. A further 8 elements will be completed by December 2024, 1 element will be complete by July 2025 and all remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2027.
Recommendation 11
Define member involvement.
Detailed work has been undertaken to ensure all aspects of member involvement are considered in the work relating to this resolution. It can be summarised in 3 broad areas:
In the year since the Independent Review of the Culture of the RCN, we have seen the highest level of member engagement and participation in our history. RCN members voted in unprecedented numbers in industrial action ballots, and tens of thousands took to picket lines across Northern Ireland, Wales and England - not just in the NHS, but across independent health settings too. The RCN Activism Academy will provide all the training, development and support needed to harness our members’ appetite and enthusiasm for change.
There are also over 1,000 governance roles at the RCN. Our elected and appointed governance positions oversee all aspects of the RCN’s work – locally, regionally, nationally, and across both of our core functions.
In response to the recommendations in the report, work is well underway to create a brand-new governance hub which will present these opportunities more clearly, transparently and inclusively, setting out why they exist, what their purpose is, and what difference they make.
Broader engagement
There are a huge variety of ways in which members can currently take part, get involved and be engaged with the work of the College: for example, opening and reading an email; accessing RCN resourcing; attending Congress; voting in an election. Each one of these activities demonstrates an involvement with the RCN. Increasing the levels of involvement is an important, ongoing part of our business-as-usual activities.
There is 1 part to this recommendation, which is expected to be completed by December 2025.
Recommendation 12
Create a corporate governance repository.
An initial review and update of the governance documents page on the RCN website has been completed. In the longer term, a root-and-branch rebuild of all governance content on the website is being undertaken to address the recommendation on page 12 of the Report on Governance (KPMG, 2022): "This would assist with generating clarity around the governance structure and decision-making routes. This should be used as the single source of information and should be available to all staff and members."
Desktop reviews, stakeholder interviews and planning have already taken place, and a phased rollout of a new Governance Hub – including a repository of governance documents – is scheduled to be completed by December 2024.
A key achievement to date is the work carried out to ensure that the Charter, Standing Orders and Regulations are more accessible to, and understandable for, members. Simplified versions of all of these are now available on the website.
There are 4 elements to this recommendation, 1 of which has been completed. 2 further elements will be complete by December 2024. All remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by September 2025.
Recommendation 13
Review the Governance team.
The Governance team structure was reviewed in 2023, and new posts were put in place to strengthen the team and enhance capacity. Our new Executive Director of Governance joined the RCN in November 2023, and phase 2 of the team staffing review is now complete. The final element of this recommendation, developing a suite of standard operating procedures, is nearing completion.
There are 6 elements to this recommendation, 5 of which have been completed. All remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2024.
Recommendation 14
Provide clarity on our group structure.
The RCN Group structure comprises the RCN, RCN Foundation, RCNi and HoldCo. Work is ongoing to ensure all parts of the RCN Group work well together to avoid competition and maximise collaboration in the interests of RCN members and the nursing profession. This includes role descriptors for people with responsibilities over Group companies, and how the roles of the entities within the RCN Group will translate into the Group's long-term strategy. In addition, the Scheme of Delegation is a group one which provides further clarity on decision making across the Group.
There are 6 elements to this recommendation, 2 of which have been completed. 1 further element will be complete by December 2024, with the remaining work on this recommendation expected to be completed by December 2025.
Recommendation 15
Update policies and documents.
A new policy register is in place and is updated when new policies are agreed. New Whistleblowing and Conflicts of Interest policies have been agreed and published, and the new Member Resolution policy was approved by Council in July 2024. Supplementary guidance for the Royal Charter and Standing Orders has been produced.
There are 8 elements to this recommendation, 7 of which have been completed. The remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2027.
Recommendation 16
Introduce measures to limit the movement of members standing for Council midterm to minimise disruption.
Members moving between committees and Council when vacancies arise midterm can cause disruption. This is part of wider work in strengthening the Governance framework, and conversations are ongoing as to how disruption can be best minimised through appropriate succession planning and engagement.
There is 1 element to this recommendation, which will be completed by December 2025.
Recommendation 17
Review the role of Chief Executive and General Secretary and Executive Team support.
A review of Executive Team portfolios has taken place, with some responsibilities being redistributed.
The Executive Team is currently comprised of:
- General Secretary and Chief Executive
- Chief Nursing Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief People Officer
- Chief of Staff (Communications, Policy, Marketing, IT)
- Executive Director of Governance
- Executive Director of Legal and Member Relations
- Executive Director of RCN England
- Executive Director of RCN Northern Ireland
- Executive Director of RCN Scotland
- Executive Director of RCN Wales
The College is served by more than 1,000 staff, grouped into 3 countries, 9 English regions and 7 directorates.
In July 2024, Council appointed Professor Nicola Ranger as our new permanent RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive.
There were 5 elements to this recommendation, all of which have been completed.
Recommendation 18
Strengthen the Election Policy.
In January 2023, we approved our new Election Policy, which addresses the concerns raised by Simon Cheetham KC in his 2021 report.
This recommendation is now complete.
Recommendation 19
Reconsider the requirement to call an extraordinary general meeting.
Following a vote on a special resolution at the 2023 annual general meeting, the threshold required to call an extraordinary general meeting was changed from 1,000 members to 5% of the total RCN membership. As part of this resolution, the Council will also provide members with a new platform where extraordinary general meeting requests can be hosted and voted on securely. Council also committed to providing a mechanism for members to propose agenda items for Council meetings. A process has been developed and agreed upon by the Council.
Council also committed to providing members with a tool to propose agenda items and raise a petition. This platform was launched in June 2024.
There were 7 elements to this recommendation, all of which have been completed.
Recommendation 20
Measures to manage the invocation of the 'in extremis' revocation of delegation of power outlined in the Royal Charter.
In the Report on Governance, KPMG stated: "The RCN should review the charter to ensure the governance process on awarding and revoking delegations are clear and do not expose the RCN to potential de-stabilisation."
In accordance with the RCN Charter, paragraphs 2.1 and 2.4, the RCN Council has the power to delegate any of its powers to a committee of its own choosing and configuration and the power to revoke any of its delegations at any time.
At its April 2024 meeting, Council approved a new Council-Committees Conflicts Policy, which sets out the process to follow when the RCN Council raises concerns about the conduct or work of one of its committees which could result in the RCN Council revoking the powers it has delegated to that Committee. This policy, which applies to all RCN Council Committees that report directly to RCN Council, is designed to resolve any disagreements at an early stage to reduce the likelihood of powers being revoked.
This policy is separate from the Member Resolution Policy as it deals with disputes between RCN Council and its Committees as entities rather than disputes between individual members, where the Member Resolution Policy should be applied. This recommendation is now complete.
There were 5 elements to this recommendation, all of which have been completed.
Recommendation 21
Improve ways of working between Council and Regional Boards.
Quarterly meetings between all England regional boards’ chairs have already been established. The remit and efficacy of these meetings have been reviewed in 2024, and formal Terms of Reference agreed.
A mechanism for formal two-way reporting from our country and regional boards into the Council has been developed and is now in place. All board chairs are invited to a Council meeting each year.
Recommendation 22
Review task and finish groups.
The Report on Governance (KPMG, 2022) found "task and finish groups received the most negative feedback during the evidence gathering from both members and staff. Their purpose was seen as confusing; there were too many, making it difficult to track, co-ordinate and support." The last task and finish group was closed in July 2023, and a standard operating procedure for Council has been drafted. This sets out a new mechanism for Council to manage ring-fenced projects and work for completion.
This recommendation is now complete.
Recommendation 23
Improve the role, function and governance of the forums and networks.
A review of RCN Forums and Networks was published in 2021 and included 31 recommendations. The subsequent Report on Governance (KPMG, 2022) recommended that we should provide greater clarity, including on the role, focus, finances and strategic alignment of forums and networks.
This work is being led by our Chief Nurse, Deputy Chief Nurse and Head of Nursing, and a delivery roadmap has been created, setting out how the forums and networks review recommendations will be delivered over the short, medium and long term. Work is ongoing to address specific recommendations from the review. At their April 2024 meeting, Council agreed the following proposals.
Removal of the 3-year rule
Members of Forums no longer need to have been RCN members for 3 years before they can apply to join a Forum Steering Committee. This is good news from a diversity perspective as it will allow international nursing colleagues who may have practiced as a nurse for many years in another country before coming to the UK, to join a Forum Steering Committee straightaway.
Exception to extend the term of office for the Forum Chair and committee member
It was agreed that in very exceptional circumstances an extension to the term of office may be permitted for up to 6 months if the Forum is running the risk of being inquorate or struggling to elect a Chair.
Changes to the timings of the recruitment and election process
To enable a formal handover period between the outgoing and incoming Chair, the Forum and subsequent forum Chairs’ election process will commence 1 month earlier than currently undertaken, and a reserve list will be created. Retaining a reserve list will reduce the administrative burden of having to run an election each time a committee member resigns during the year. The reserve list will consist of members that met the appointment standards required to be on a Forum but who were ‘pipped at the post’ by other candidates.
Election of a Vice Chair
Forums will be able to elect Vice Chairs via the same method as the Chair. This will assist with succession planning and mitigate against the exception to extend terms of office.
Changes to the rule which prevents Forum Steering Committee members sitting on the Agenda Committee
This rule is now removed but any Forum Steering Committee members on the Agenda Committee must be clear that they are a member of the Agenda Committee in their own right and not there as a representative of a forum. They must also prioritise the Agenda Committee during the build up to and week of Congress.
Agreement to the process for removing inactive Forum Steering Committee members
It was agreed that the existing Governance ‘non-attendance at meetings’ standard operating procedure be adapted to cover the process for removing Forum Steering Committee members that have been appointed but are not meeting the responsibilities of their role.
There are 2 elements to this recommendation which are expected to be completed by April 2025.
Recommendation 24
Implement the findings from external reviews.
The Report on Governance (KPMG, 2022) criticised the RCN for having no structures in place to implement the recommendations of previous reports.
They said we should:
- Identify a clear implementation plan outlining activity (week by week and month by month) and key delivery milestones.
- Identify clear owners for each action identified within reports at a suitable level within the organisation (ideally an Executive owner and a lead committee member nominee).
- Identify due dates for each action by which point the action must be fully implemented.
- Ensure Council via one of its assurance committees (to be agreed by Council and delegations clearly documented) and the Executive hold individuals and governance groups accountable for action implementation through regular reporting.
- Agree on metrics to assess progress against individual actions.
- Have clear reporting lines through the governance structure.
In approaching all work relating to the culture and governance of the college, we have followed each of these suggestions, and a robust, detailed project plan with dedicated programme staff is in place. All 38 recommendations and their associated elements will be complete during the lifetime of our 2023-27 strategic plan.
Recommendation 25
Review and revise governance structures.
The Report on Governance (KPMG, 2022) recommended that: "The Council and Executive together should fundamentally reconsider the groups underpinning the governance structure – starting with the Council, Executive and Standing Committees. This is to ensure that these allow for the effective delivery of the strategy, sufficient challenge, assurance and oversight at the right level as well as timely and efficient operations." The RCN governance structure is always subject to scrutiny and revaluation, and this work will continue.
There are 7 elements to this recommendation, 5 of which have been completed. All remaining work on this recommendation will be completed by December 2025.
Recommendation 26
Address key underlying issues which are the cause of continuing division.
A resolution to reaffirm the strength of the dual role of the RCN as both a trade union and professional body was passed overwhelmingly by members at RCN Congress 2023.
The recommendation is now complete.
Recommendation 27
Develop online technology to increase member engagement.
There are certain activities that a Trade Union cannot do online, such as voting in an industrial action ballot. But we continue to assess, review and trial new digital tools for member engagement. During recent Fair Pay for Nursing activity, we successfully used ThruText (a peer-to-peer text platform) and WhatsApp. We are undertaking a comprehensive review of all digital communication platforms – including web, app, social, email and text – during 2024.
There are 3 elements to this recommendation, 1 of which has been completed. All work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2025.
Recommendation 31
Review the selection of the Agenda Committee.
In the Independent Review of the Culture of the RCN, Bruce Carr KC said: "At present, it [Agenda Committee] is elected by representative bodies at Congress, but the present system produces a committee, which is made up almost exclusively of individuals who come from a trade union background. This serves only to increase the concerns on the professional side of the College that they are very much the minor partners." The methods of selection to the Agenda Committee will be considered as part of a long-term, strategic review of RCN Congress.
At their April 2024 meeting, Council approved changes to the rule which prevents Forum Steering Committee members sitting on the Agenda Committee.
There are 2 elements to this recommendation, 1 of which has been completed. All work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2027.
Recommendation 33
Rebuild trust between Council and Executive Team.
In the foreword to the Independent Review of the Culture of the RCN, Bruce Carr KC said: “It is also right that I reference (as I have in the Review itself) that, under new leadership, the culture at the College has improved in the period since my Review was commissioned”. Council and the Executive Team are committed to improving ways of working and are taking steps to ensure Council members feel fully supported and developed in their roles. Council meetings include more opportunities for collaborative working. A document setting out, and explaining the differences in, the roles and responsibilities of Council and the Executive Team has been published on the website.
The Executive Director of Governance is producing guidelines that set out how staff and members work collaboratively together.
There are 3 elements to this recommendation, 2 of which have been completed. All remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by March 2025.
Recommendation 34
Promote and support increased governance representation and participation of women, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic and disabled members, and relaunch a leadership and governance training and development package.
Key to the delivery of this recommendation has been the development of our new Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, which we launched in May 2024 following significant member engagement (see Recommendation 10 for more detail). Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee has now been re-established to take forward actions from this strategy, which promotes and supports increased governance representation.
There are 2 elements to this recommendation, both of which are expected to be completed by October 2026.
Recommendation 38
Put in place an effective feedback loop and communication of what goes on at council, committees and other forums to the wider members.
A root-and-branch rebuild of all governance content on the website is being undertaken with a view to creating a new, class-leading Governance Hub. This will include better reporting mechanisms to enable members to be kept up to date with activity. The new Governance Hub is due to be completed by December 2024. As part of commitments made at the 2023 AGM, Council has provided a process for members to propose agenda items for Council meetings.
There are 4 elements to this recommendation, 2 of which have been completed. All remaining work on this recommendation is expected to be completed by December 2024.
Page last updated - 08/01/2025