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Get Involved

Make your voice heard to change nursing for the better.

RCN nursing forums and networks

Join one of the RCN's many nursing communities.

Countries and regions

Find your nearest RCN branch and get involved.

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Campaign with us

As the voice of nursing, we campaign on the issues that matter most to nursing staff. Add your voice to our campaigns for Fair Pay For Nursing, Staffing for Safe and Effective Care and Fund our Future.

Westminster pay campaign

Become an RCN rep

Find out more about the vital role of RCN stewards, learning representatives and safety representatives.

Rep at chalkboard



RCN Students

Become a Student Ambassador, attend RCN Congress or stand for election on the RCN Students' Committee.

Student member speaking at Congress

RCN elections and appointments

Put yourself forward as a candidate for RCN Council or an RCN committee, board or forum.

Photo of people raising their hands

Tell us your story

How are staffing levels and low pay affecting you right now? How is the cost-of-living crisis and the remnants of a global pandemic impacting your work and life? Capture your lived experience with our easy-to-use tool and help tell the true story of UK nursing.


Make your voice heard by responding to consultations on issues related to nursing.

RCN social media accounts

Our social media accounts are spaces for professional discussions relevant to your field of practice and/or area of RCN interest.
