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Royal College of Nursing comments on latest NHS performance statistics for England

Press Release 13/02/2020

Royal College of Nursing comments on latest NHS performance statistics for England

Responding to the latest NHS performance statistics for England, Susan Masters, RCN Director of Nursing Policy and Practice, said:

“It is shocking to learn that last month, over 100,000 emergency patients in England had to wait more than four hours on trolleys or chairs for a hospital bed, the highest number ever. 

"It is extremely difficult for nurses to provide safe and effective care in these circumstances, as well as extremely distressing for patients and their families. 

"But hospitals cannot open more beds without more nurses to staff them – and there are currently over 43,000 vacant nursing posts in the NHS in England alone. 

"Ministers must provide funding to grow the workforce in next month’s Budget and make clear in law who’s responsible for workforce planning and supply."


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