“In the briefing the Auditor General says effective reform requires ‘better strategic workforce planning’ across the public sector. We have been calling for some time for much improved workforce planning based on population need. We need to get the right number of nursing staff in the right place, at the right time, and in the right mix.
“At the same time, the nursing workforce deserves fair pay. Their pay has been seriously eroded over years by inflation and the continuing cost of living crisis.
“There are over 5,600 vacant nursing and midwifery posts in the NHS alone. Too many experienced nursing staff are leaving, worn down by the years of understaffing and underinvestment. And too few are choosing to study our safety critical profession.
“Long-term, sustainable reform is needed for our health and care services. The Scottish government must find a way to deliver on its commitments to reform the Agenda for Change pay system and to ensure the Nursing and Midwifery Taskforce delivers a robust and funded action plan to support retention, increase the numbers studying nursing and improve the workplace culture and wellbeing of health and care staff.”