Clinical nurse specialist Madelaine Watkins works within Mental Health Services for Older People (MHSOP) and her innovative approach to the way that older persons dealing with psychosis are treated earned her the title of Nurse of the Year at last night’s (21 November) 11th annual RCN Wales Nurse of the Year Awards.
Madelaine identified a gap when audit findings revealed that only 10% of people using the MHSOP who were experiencing symptoms of psychosis received therapy. Additionally, 50% of community mental health staff said they needed psychosis training.
Using research from service users, their families and staff, Madelaine implemented a trauma-informed, psycho-social approach to treatment. People and their families are having more autonomy in interventions and treatment as a result.
The judging panel called Madelaine an inspirational nurse who has consistently demonstrated a passion to provide a better patient experience, dedicating her nursing career to the improvement of services and advocating for an overlooked group of patients.
Helen Whyley, Executive Director RCN Wales, said: "We are immensely proud to celebrate the achievements of this year's overall Nurse of the Year winner. As a clinical nurse specialist, Madelaine has had a remarkable impact by improving the lives of patients with psychosis and empowering her colleagues to provide the highest standard of care. Her dedication, expertise, and commitment to innovation exemplify the very best of our profession. She is an inspiration to us all and a shining example of how nurses transform lives every day."
“We look forward to Madelaine highlighting the work of mental health nurses in the coming year and I know she will be an excellent ambassador for the profession."

Above: Madelaine Watkins, RCN Wales Nurse of the 2024 winner.
Madelaine Watkins, RCN Wales Nurse of the Year 2024, said: “This award means the world to me. It will give me a platform to showcase what clinical nurse specialists can do and to raise awareness of an underrepresented and disempowered group of older people having distressing experiences sometimes described as psychosis.
“By moving from a medical model towards a trauma-informed approach, with more psychological and social support, the benefits to treatment and healing outcomes are undeniable.
“I want to inspire more nursing staff to work in this field and help both students and newly qualified nurses to realise the career opportunities in mental health nursing.”
A big thank you to all of our sponsors for this year’s awards. With their support, we were able to showcase the best of nursing in Wales and the innovative contributions to health care services to meet the needs of the profession and the public.