Submit Your Ideas
We’d like to involve more RCN members in our programme through an open call for event proposals. You can submit your idea as an individual or as a forum or other group via the online form.
Up to four ideas from members will be taken forward by the team, selected by our guest curators (members of the NSW Committee and History of Nursing Forum). If your idea is chosen you will need to join a virtual call with the Events and Exhibitions team to discuss your idea, agree a date for the event, and also attend the event.
Guidance for Proposals
We love creative ideas! In the past we’ve hosted book clubs, comedy nights, life drawing, film screenings, plays, tours, treasure hunts and more.
Events must:
- Be aimed at a non-specialist audience (we do not host clinical guidance or training)
- Focus on history and/or the creative arts
- Be about or include nursing support work of any kind.
If your event is of interest but seems to be outside our budget (up to £500 per event) or does not quite fit our remit, we may suggest an alternative way to take it forward.
Closing date: 29/02/24
Decisions to be communicated by: 22/03/24
Event to take place: between 13/05/24 and 31/10/24