With over 4,600 registered nurse posts unfilled in the NHS alone, we are also calling for the development of, and investment in, alternative pathways into a nursing career to support work to grow the domestic nursing workforce. This will be another key task for the new Ministerial Taskforce.
Ahead of implementation of Scotland’s safe staffing legislation next spring, we highlight the need for the development of long-term health and care workforce plans, based on demand and population need, and for the Scottish Government to tackle nursing vacancies and ensure that health and care providers can meet their safe staffing duties.
The RCN also reiterated its calls for the National Care Service Bill to be paused and we are pleased that Ministers have now taken the decision to delay the Bill. We are calling for the Scottish Government to take time to properly engage with stakeholders to develop detailed plans, rather than simply pushing through expensive and disruptive structural overhaul. Ministers need to focus now on tackling the workforce crisis in social care and community health. Services must have the right numbers of staff, with the right skills, in the right place and that needs to start with increased investment and improving pay, terms and conditions.
Colin Poolman, Director, RCN Scotland said: “Ultimately the next First Minister and Scottish Government must ensure that nursing is seen as an attractive and rewarding career.
“The RCN consultation on the new Scottish government pay offer for staff on Agenda for Change contracts is now open and we are urging all eligible members to find out what the new pay offer means for you and vote now.”