If the answer is ‘no’ and especially if you’d love the answer to be ‘yes’ instead, a visit to RCN Congress in 2025 may be just the opportunity you’re looking for.
Congress is one of the most important and inspirational dates in the UK nursing calendar; it’s a chance to celebrate the best of nursing, mingle with thousands of like-minded professionals and help lay the foundations for what nursing and the RCN campaign for and achieve next.
Next year Congress takes place in Liverpool from 12-15 May. It’s the closest and most accessible of the regular Congress venues to our members in the West Midlands region, so please do consider registering to attend. We’d love to see you there.
One of the most important aspects of Congress is the debates on the big issues affecting nursing, patients and the public.
Each one of our branches has a number of funded places for its members to attend Congress and vote in these debates, ensuring the voices of their colleagues locally are heard. The funding covers voting members’ travel, accommodation and meals.
You can apply for a voting place on behalf of your branch, so if you’d like to know more and apply for a place, please visit the RCN Congress page. Applications are open until 2 December.