The support from the public and colleagues was outstanding which on those cold and frosty days on the pickets really kept our spirits up. However, while the RCN and our members rejected the offer at National Staff Council, our sister unions accepted it, and the pay award was imposed upon us.
Despite this, we continue to demand fair pay for nursing, are already looking ahead to the next round of negotiations and remain in dispute with the government over pay. There are colleagues in the region who provide NHS services but because they are employed by independent employers, they have not received the non-consolidated element of the pay award. We continue to support them in their campaign for pay parity.
The RCN workforce standards continue to be a major work stream for the organisation. Please use them in all your conversations about safe staffing with senior leaders in your organisations, you can read more about this on the webpage.
Across the region we have HCSW colleagues who have still not yet been uplifted from Band 2 to Band 3 despite guidance issued to employers in 2021 which states that those undertaking clinical tasks should be evaluated at band 3. Please be assured we are in discussions with employers on this issue and in some organisations are in formal dispute to get this issue concluded, with back pay, for those affected.
We know that the more difficult the environment you work in, the more difficult it can be to speak out. If you’d like to tell your story please consider doing so using our online story telling tool, SenseMaker. This tool enables you to share your experiences in a completely confidential way while giving the RCN evidence to advocate for change.
As your South West Board Chair I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every member of the RCN in the South West region for continuing to provide amazing care despite working in care settings that are facing unsustainable pressures.
Thanks also to all our reps, activists, and RCN staff for all the work they undertake on the behalf of members.
If you would like to become more involved, please look at these webpages.
Maybe a New Year’s resolution could be to engage with your local branch?
It just remains for me to wish you all a peaceful, happy festive season and I look forward to working with you all in 2024.