About this time last year I was making my final preparations for the agenda item we had submitted from my branch on corridor care. Little did I know where that would lead me.
An agenda item which stemmed from talking with colleagues at work, supported by my branch colleagues, to now. Here I am involved with the steering group set up from the Congress resolution and it has shown me how passionate we all are about improving situations for nursing staff and our patients.
Looking back on the last year I’ve seen how members can really shape the way forward for the RCN and our profession. Being a part of this process has been very interesting to see and experience. I have told other members about the work that has been going on including the listening events that we have carried out over February and March at which we have heard the stories and experiences of others which have really shown how important an issue this is for us all. Being involved has given me the opportunity to work with professional leads in the RCN at a national level, talk directly to members and the public through the press, about corridor care. We know this practice is still commonplace so I would encourage any member that is experiencing it to raise this issue to management and RCN, either through local representatives, the regional office or using the SenseMaker tool.
So now looking forward to this year’s Congress, we will be in Wales and from Gloucestershire, and most of the South West, it is a feasible day trip just over the bridge to experience the event. I would encourage all members to attend this year as it is so close and to look at the agenda to see what is being debated or for events that appeal to you.
Remember, there is a focus for health care support workers on Monday and students on Tuesday. Both the Greater Bristol and Dorset branches have agenda items to present this year and it would be great to have high numbers of members from the region to to show how strong we are in the South West and how passionate we are working to improve things for nursing and our services and our patients.
Our branch received a high number of applications from members interested in attending Congress as voting members this year and it was a difficult decision to chose those to accept. As a result we have a voting membership with a wide range of experience and from different settings across the Gloucestershire branch geography to represent all of the members in our area. We also have a branch meeting on Thursday 23 May which is open to all RCN members in Gloucestershire so we can discuss the agenda for Congress to give those attending an idea of members' views on the issues and also to talk through other issues that are important locally. There will local representatives on the call to answer any questions that you have.
I’m buzzing for Congress this year; excited to be at a new venue and I’m really looking forward to updating members on the work I have been involved with around corridor care. This time of year is always busy as we prepare for Congress, and as you Gloucestershire executive and as regional Board member I want to make sure that all members attending from Gloucestershire have the best time and enjoy everything Congress has to offer - not just the debates in the main hall, the keynote speakers and the learning/wellbeing events, but also the evening events socialising with members from all corners of the UK.