18 Dec 2023
Human Papillomavirus (HPV), cervical screening and cervical cancer
Publication Code : 011 051This updated edition includes guidance for registered nurses working in a range of health care settings, in particular those involved in women’s health, cervical screening, and public health. It focuses on an overview of HPV (including the current vaccination recommendations), the national cervical screening programme, information about colposcopy and key facts on cervical cancer. This publication replaces the previous version 007 960.
11 Dec 2023
RCN Position Statement: Menopause and you at work
Publication Code : 011 282The RCN believes that everyone has a right to access support at work, around the menopause, to enable them to continue in employment and ensure they maintain a healthy life, within any healthcare setting. This position statement is for all nurses, midwives, nursing associates and nursing support worker working in any health and social care setting in any of the four countries in relation to menopause at work.
29 Nov 2023
Female Genital Mutilation. RCN Guidance for Travel Health Services
Publication Code : 011 178This updated publication acts as a supplement to Female Genital Mutilation: An RCN Resource for Nursing and Midwifery Practice (011 168) and focuses on professionals working in travel health services. Travel health organisations, clinics and health care professionals will find it useful as it highlights how important it is for processes within travel health settings to be reviewed to ensure services provide an effective safeguarding process around FGM.
29 Nov 2023
Female Genital Mutilation. RCN Guidance for Sexual Health Care
Publication Code : 011 179This updated publication acts as a supplement to Female Genital Mutilation: An RCN Resource for Nursing and Midwifery Practice (011 168) and focuses on professionals working in sexual health services such as sexual health clinics, genitourinary medicine clinics and children’s services.
29 Nov 2023
Female Genital Mutilation. An RCN resource for Nursing and Midwifery Practice
Publication Code : 011 168This updated guidance considers many aspects of FGM from its history to contemporary socio-cultural, legal and clinical components to aid raising awareness and improving the quality of care to those who have been adversely affected by FGM.
6 Nov 2023
Genital Examination in Women
Publication Code : 011 162This latest edition provides standards and sample assessment tools for training in genital examination in women for registered nurses working in sexual and reproductive health settings, and related health and social care settings.
1 Nov 2023
Domestic Abuse
Publication Code : 011 242Domestic abuse is a significant safeguarding issue in all societies and is a challenge for everyone. This guidance has been reviewed and updated in response to the recognition by the RCN of the need for nurses, midwives and health care support workers and all health care professionals to have an understanding of the impact of the domestic abuse of patients, clients and colleagues.
1 Nov 2023
Domestic Abuse Position Statement
Publication Code : 011 243Domestic abuse is both complex and commonplace, and impacts on everyone, either personally or professionally. This updated publication outlines the RCN’s position on domestic abuse and our work to raise awareness of the issue amongst health care professionals. It also includes details of resources for further information.
1 Nov 2023
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Publication Code : 011 241More than 49 million people are trapped in modern slavery across the globe. This guidance has been reviewed and updated to help nurses and midwives identify victims of slavery and help people find the assistance and support they need.
25 Sep 2023
Fertility Care and Emotional Wellbeing
Publication Code : 011 054This updated guidance has been developed as a resource for all health care professionals in all areas of fertility care and acknowledges the differences between emotional support and wellbeing, implications counselling and therapeutic counselling.
External resources
Page last updated - 11/12/2019