Health Visiting
The Health Visiting Community is a virtual network of individuals with an interest in this area of practice.
The purpose is to promote the practice of health visitors in improving the physical and mental health and wellbeing of families, children and young people by:
- maintaining a body of expertise as a resource for the profession
- providing peer support
- continuing education
- facilitating a dialogue between the Royal College of Nursing and members for the purpose of consultation and working on pertinent child health issues of the day.
Our objectives:
- To continue to actively maintain our community and its function
- To promote a high standard of health visiting for children
- To raise the profile of health visiting for children
- Axford, N., Barlow, J., Coad, J., et al. (2015) Rapid review to update evidence for the Healthy child Programme 0-5, Public Health England
- e-Learning for Healthcare: Healthy Child Programme
- Donetto et al., Malone, M., Hughes, J., Morrow, E., Cowley, S., Maben, J. (2013) Health Visiting: the voice of service users:learning from service users experiences to inform the development of UKpractice and health visiting services. Department of Health Policy Research Programme, ref. 016 0058, National Nursing Research Unit, King’s College London.
To get involved please contact the community lead, Suzanne Watts
Page last updated - 29/11/2019