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POLICY: Children and Young People (Scotland) Act draft statutory guidance

23 April 2015
The RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on draft statutory guidance on Parts 4 (Named Person), 5 (Child’s Plan) and 18 (Section 96, Wellbeing) of the Children and Young people (Scotland) Act 2014 and draft Orders to be made under that Act
In this response, RCN Scotland fully supported the introduction of the Named Person role and the principle of health visitors being the Named Person for pre-school children. However, we also raised concerns around the implications and challenges, in practice, of enacting the legislation. Our concerns centred on workforce capacity pressure among health visitors, the lack of clarity around the roles and responsibilities between the named person and lead professional, and the support needed to carry out the duties of the named person.
If you have any comments or would like to find out more information then please contact the RCN Scotland Policy team by emailing them at or by filling in the attached feedback form and sending it to Policy, RCN Scotland, 42 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HH

Page last updated - 27/07/2018