POLICY: Building a comprehensive approach to reviewing the quality of care
28 September 2015
The RCN Scotland response to Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s consultation on a new approach to scrutiny
RCN Scotland previously called for HIS to take a whole system approach to the diverse range of inspections it carries out. In this response we welcomed HIS’s proposals to move towards a more comprehensive scrutiny model and supported the guiding principles and broad domains that underpin HIS’s proposed approach. However we raised concerns about both the scope of this new approach and how it will be implemented.
If you have any comments or would like to find out more information then please contact the RCN Scotland Policy team by emailing them at policyscotland@rcn.org.uk or by filling in the attached feedback form and sending it to Policy, RCN Scotland, 42 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HH
Page last updated - 27/07/2018