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POLICY: A healthier future - action and ambitions on diet, activity and healthy weight

30 January 2018
RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on a healthier future - action and ambitions on diet, activity and healthy weight
Tackling obesity has already been identified as a priority in the programme for Government. This strategy proposes a range of actions to improve diet and weight in Scotland. Nursing staff work in almost every stage and setting of care, and as such they have an important role across a wide range of public health interventions. Nurses are well placed to offer advice and information to individuals on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle. 

While it is understandable that the strategy focuses on children and young people, RCN Scotland believes this is not enough if a whole nation movement is to take place. We would have liked see specific actions to support people with disabilities and older people to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet as well as the general adult population whose health now will impact on their long-term wellbeing and health and social care service demand in the future.
If you have any comments or would like to find out more information then please contact the RCN Scotland Policy team by emailing them at or by filling in the attached feedback form and sending it to Policy, RCN Scotland, 42 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HH

Page last updated - 27/07/2018