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The Government’s full response to the Mid Staffordshire NHS FT Public Inquiry

An overview presentation produced by the RCN

27 November 2013
PowerPoint presentation that seeking to capture the key issues in terms of both what the Francis report has said and the Government response, which was tailored specifically to a nursing audience. This is meant to be an informative and accessible tool that can be used for discussions and to which we would welcome feedback. 
  • The Francis report said that the RCN should consider whether we should formally divide our professional and trade union functions.
  • At Congress 2013, 99% of members stated they believe the relationship between our trade union and profession functions are complementary to one another and make the RCN a stronger organisation. 
  • We have invested in better support and supervision for RCN stewards, health and safety and learning representatives. We are making access to the right professional standards, knowledge, information and networks to support improvements in practice clearer and easier. 
  • In its response to the Francis report the Government said it believed the separation of the RCN’s professional and trade union roles, which are both important, would enhance the authority of its work, so that those outside the profession would know when they were speaking in the interests solely of patients and when they were speaking solely in the interests of their members.
  • The RCN are undertaking a significant stream of activity in order to improve the work we deliver in all practice settings and bring the two aspects of our activity closer together. We will highlight and better explain the distinction between these two roles and the instances in which they are rightly separate.

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Page last updated - 23/03/2017