100 page turners
We’ve compiled a list of 100 books that have made a difference to nursing lives.

The Research Process in Nursing
Dave O'Carroll, Programme Manager (Information and Resources)

Moving Mountains
Lesley Hands, Travel Nurse Advisor

Intensive Care Nursing: A Framework for Practice
Stuart Cox, Senior Charge Nurse ICU Southampton / Senior Nurse CEGA Air Ambulance

The Unpopular Patient
Peter Griffiths, Professor of Health Services Research

Letters from Belsen 1945: An Australian Nurse's Experience with the Survivors of War
Anna Semmens, Joint Library and Archive Services Manager

The Philosophy of Nurse Education
Anne Corrin, Professional Lead Education Policy and Practice

Still Alice
Cathy Burke, Nurse Consultant Safeguarding
Still Small Voice
Cecilia Anim, Clinical Nurse Specialist and RCN President

Inequalities in Health
Karen Webb, RCN Regional Director for the Eastern Region

Dear Dementia: The Laughter and the Tears
Liz Champion, Lead Nurse Dementia Care
Information: A Prescription Against Pain
Susan Kirk, Professor of Family and Child Health

Ross and Wilson: Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness
Colin Parish, Editor, Mental Health Practice and Learning Disability Practice

Nurses' Voices from the Northern Ireland Troubles: Personal Accounts from the Front Line
Orla McAlinden, Lecturer in Nursing

Time to Think: Listening to Ignite the Human Mind
Val Bailey, Professional Practice Coordinator

Shadows of the Workhouse
Holly Smith, Staff Nurse

Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End
Nicola James, Nurse Consultant in prostate cancer

Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care
Theresa Fyffe, Director, RCN Scotland

An Imperfect Offering: Dispatches From the Medical Frontline
JP Nolan, Head of Nursing Practice

Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers
Ian Jacklin, E-Systems information Manager

Have the men had enough?
Tony Arthur, Professor of Nursing Science

Health promotion: Planning and strategies
Gill Coverdale, RCN Professional Lead for Education Standards and Professional Development

Reflective practice in nursing
Sian Wade, District Nurse

The Birth of the Clinic
Maurice Nagington, Lecturer

The diving-bell and the butterfly
Elizabeth Hall, Infection Prevention Advisor

Three and a half heartbeats
Evelyn Prodger, Matron

Angels and citizens: British women as military nurses 1854-1914
Teresa Doherty, RCN Library and Archive Services Joint Manager

How to read a paper: The basics of evidence-based medicine
Caroline Lynch, Information Literacy Specialist, RCN Library

Interpersonal relations in nursing
Stephen Tee, Interpersonal Relations in Nursing

Nightingales: The story of Florence Nightingale and her remarkable family
Mary Hutchinson, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Senior Lecturer

Notes on nursing: What it is and what it is not
Andrea Childe, Learning and Development Co-ordinator RCN Scotland

Nursing the orthopaedic patient
Catherine Tranter, Paediatric Rheumatology Nurse Specialist

Person-Centred Nursing Theory and Practice
Donna Brown, Lecturer

Stories of childrens pain: Linking evidence to practice
Bernie Carter, Professor of Children’s Nursing

The philosophy and practice of psychiatric nursing
Ian Hulatt, Professional Lead for Mental Health

What makes a good nurse: Why the virtues are important for nurses
David Pontin, Aneurin Bevan Chair of Community Health

A history of mental health nursing
Chair of the RCN’s History of Nursing Society, Claire Chatterton
A nurse's war
Area business manager, Cath Comley
Being human: Ordinariness in nursing
Dr Jacqueline Metcalfe, Consultant nurse
Do you sleep with that leg on? The story of Erskine Hospital
Rod Thomson, RCN Deputy President and Director of public health for shropshire

Health: The foundations for achievement
Brendan McCormack, Professor, head of the Division of nursing and head of QMU graduate school

Nursing as Therapy
Dr Helen McGarvey, Lecturer in nursing

The ghost map: The story of London's most terrifying epidemic and how it changed science, cities and the modern world
Pete Folly, Collection development information specialist, RCN library

The last days of Rabbit Hayes
Janet Rose, Nurse duty manager
The primacy of caring: Stress and coping in health and illness
Kay Caldwell, Professor of nurse education

Working with serious mental illness: A manual for clinical practice
Andrew Thornton, Mental health nurse
A handbook for the nursing of sick children
Children and Young People's Nursing Student, Jacqueline Ann Hobson
Brick Lane
Principal Lecturer, Jacky Price
Clinical Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine
Head of School and Professor of Nursing, University of Manchester, Nicky Cullum
Guns, germs and steel: A short history of everybody for the last 13,000 years
Research and Innovation Manager, Anda Bayliss
Medicine for nurses
Parish nurse, Lesley Williams
Nurses: Power and politics
Patricia Bottrill FRCN
Sharing the darkness: The spirituality of caring
Registered General Nurse, Alison Moss
The functioning of social systems as a defence against anxiety
Professor of Nursing, Helen T Allan
The Nurse
Professor of Ophthalmology and Emergency Care, Janet Marsden
The principles and practice of surgery for nurses and allied professions
Specialist radiology nurse, Alison Williams
Ayliffes control of healthcare-associated infection A practical handbook
Head of Standards, Knowledge and Information Team, Rose Gallagher
Before I say goodbye
Triage and Practice Nurse, Anna Sidelnik
I fly out with bright feathers: The quest of a novice healer
Staff Nurse, Ron Luton-Brown
More from the Primeval Forest
Chief Executive & General Secretary, Janet Davies
Polar Stroke
Staff Nurse, Jacki Aston
Reflections on care
Ward sister, Lynne James
The Lovely Bones
Final Year Student Nurse, Rachel Cheney Price
Waterbugs and dragonflies: Explaining death to young children
Consultant editor, Nursing Children and Young People, RCNi, Doreen Crawford

Black's Medical Dictionary
Julie Key, Literature Search Specialist

Call the Midwife: A True Story of the East End in the 1950s
Katharine Baumgartner, RCN Customer Services Information Assistant
Called to Care?
Marion Grace Hands, Staff Nurse
Elements of Research in Nursing
Kate Seers, Professor

From Silence to Voice: What Nurses Know and Must Communicate to the Public
Alison Leary, Professor of Healthcare Modelling

Macleod's Clinical Examination
Susan Harris, Advanced Practitioner
Minds, Mothers, and Midwives: The Psychology of Childbirth
Carmel Bagness, Professional Lead Midwifery & Women's Health

The Student Nurse Handbook: A Survival Guide
Mary C, Nurse
When the News is Bad: A Guide for Health Professionals on Breaking Bad News
Meeko Kittika, Staff Nurse

Woman Rebel: The Margaret Sanger Story
Daniel Simkin, Information Resources Co-ordinator
Bed Number 10
Anne-Marie Paulin, Health Visitor and Children's Nurse

Being Mortal: Illness, Medicine and What Matters in the End
Tricia List, District Nurse

Call the Midwife Trilogy
Emma Hankin, Staff Nurse
Luna's Red Hat
Orla McAlinden, Children and Young People's Nurse
On Nursing. Toward a New Endowment
June Clark, Professor Emeritus of Community Nursing
The Alienated: Growing Old Today
Jacqueline Parkinson, Sexual Health Nurse
Bury me in my boots
Irene Mabbott, Practice Development Co-ordinator
Devices and Desires
Siobhan O'Connor, Lecturer in Nursing
Hospitals in Trouble
June Andrews, Director Dementia Services Development Centre and RCN Fellow
Learning and working
Frances Gordon, Professor of Interprofessional Education
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Lyndon Borrill, Evidence Based Council Facilitator
Physiology of Disease
Rosario Baxter, Lecturer in Nursing
Primary Nursing
Jan Dewing, Sue Pembrey Chair in Nursing and Director Centre for Person-centred Practice Research
Beyond the Glass
Judith Devine, Mental Health Lecturer
Dementia Reconsidered
Lorraine Haining, Specialist Nurse Practitioner
English Patient
Tim Spring, Graduate Trainee
No Time for Romance
Helen Parry, Nurse Practitioner
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Steven, Community Palliative CNS
Dealing with Difficult People
Marilyn Martin, RCN Officer – Eastern region
Freedom from Addiction: The Secret Behind Successful Addiction Busting
Sybilla Parkhil, Customer Services Information Specialist
Nursing before Nightingale, 1815-1899
Rachel Sully, Collection Development Specialist
Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues
George Kernohan, Professor of Health Research
Reasons to Stay Alive
Lisa Gardner, Customer Service Information Assistant
The Tidal Model: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals
Jayne Elton, Community Mental Health Nurse
November's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019