Shadows of the Workhouse
Jennifer Worth

Holly Smith, Staff NurseĀ
Reason you chose this book
I chose this book because it reminds me that nursing isn't just about caring for a person's physical illnesses, but also treating them as an individual and going above and beyond the call of duty to help them in any way you can.
This book looks at when Jenny worked as a nurse in the community. It looks at several different stories of patients she came across. She finds a man called Joe who lives completely alone due to his family dying in the war, and has started to neglect himself. Jenny is able, not only to care for his medical issues, but to help him to feel more like his old self by accompanying him to a reunion of his army regiment. Jenny also provides palliative care for a gentleman named Fred, who lives with his sister Peggy. This story uncovers Peggy and Fred's difficult past in the workhouse. Jenny not only looks after Fred but provides emotional support to Peggy.
February's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019