The Research Process in Nursing
Kate Gerrish and Judith Lathiean

Dave O'Carroll, Programme Manager (Information and Resources)
Reason you chose this book
The 6th edition was the first nursing text I ever bought, whilst I was undertaking a research methods module at the University of Salford. That I passed the module is largely down to the way this book demystifies the sometimes complex nature of nursing research.
Written in easy to digest chapters, covering every aspect of the research process, this textbook is a veritable who's who of the major players in nursing research. It's the perfect book to dip in and out of, explaining key research concepts in everyday language. Although written with the novice researcher in mind, it has something for everyone, including extensive references and guidance for further reading. Simply a must-have for anyone with an enquiring mind.
January's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019