What makes a good nurse: Why the virtues are important for nurses
Derek Sellman

David Pontin, Aneurin Bevan Chair of Community Health
Reason you chose this book
This is one of those rare books that openly acknowledges its philosophical roots but does so in an accessible and thought-provoking way. It’s helped me look at nursing with fresh eyes, see the world in a different way, and helps me deal with the puzzles that nursing offers.
Nursing is an interesting space that draws on many intellectual disciplines and perspectives and sometimes it’s hard to draw a coherent story together that makes sense when you’re in the thick of it. This book speaks from head, heart and hand experience of nursing and makes good sense. I constantly find myself coming back to it as it helps me make sense of the kaleidoscopic world of present day health care. A must for people new to nursing, people who have been nursing for some time and for fellow travellers.
April's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019