Notes on nursing: What it is and what it is not
Florence Nightingale

Andrea Childe, Learning and development co-ordinator RCN Scotland
Reason you chose this book
Not just because she shapes everything I do today but I genuinely enjoyed reading her assessments, plans and rationale, some of which we are still using and certainly still questioning today. I reference this book in most of my presentations even after 140 years since it was written! What a trail blazer of her day AND still!
Relates totally to the basics of care delivery and aspects of individual nursing care. The need for care and kindness both the basics of human need alongside her stick ethos of leadership, management and nursing! Not quite sure of the need of less 'rustle' of nursing uniform skirts but again it relates to a calming environment for our patients. For an example she writes about nothing must be done on a ward whilst patients are eating, something we are still talking about and debating today.
April's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019