Clinical Epidemiology: A Basic Science for Clinical Medicine
David Sackett, R.Brian Haynes, Peter Tugwell and Gordon Guyatt
Nicky Cullum, Head of School and Professor of Nursing, University of Manchester
Reason you chose this book
This book more than any other explained the potential contribution of epidemiological research to patient care and the different sorts of evidence contributed by randomised controlled trials, cohort studies, diagnostic test studies etc. Explained research to me like no other text. I was thrilled to later know the authors.
A fantastic textbook that for the first time explained to me how different research designs are best suited to answering certain types of question. Suddenly clinical research made sense to me! It was very straightforward then to apply these principles to nursing questions. Fantastically well written and readable too, with handy cards for guiding critical appraisal. Changed my life!
June's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019