Political Leadership Programme Wales
Providing an invaluable insight into the Welsh political landscape and how policy is shaped
Tuesday 25 & Wednesday 26 June 2024
Every year, RCN Wales offers a training opportunity for nurses to develop their influencing skills and expand their knowledge of how health and social care policy is made.
- Understand the influence of politics on healthcare policy
- Influence change in health or social policy
- Develop strategies to shape policy
- Understand the legislative and policy context of devolution
- Gain the support of external stakeholders
- Improve their leadership skills
Political Leadership Programme
This programme includes a visit to the Welsh Parliament, contributions from highly regarded guest speakers - from the media and lobbying industries - and provides a valuable networking opportunity.

The sessions were excellent, thought provoking, stimulating and practical.
I came to these sessions quite naive around how I could influence change in my workplace. I will be sharing what I have learnt amongst peers, hoping to influence others.
A superb programme.
I feel privileged to have listened to the speakers and no longer feel intimidated by politics.
The programme made politics reachable and tailor-made for nursing.
One of the best courses I have ever been on in my career. Thank-you very much.
I intend to be politically aware and to be more active in future
Informative, empowering and envisioning.
Page last updated - 09/11/2024