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5 ways to support staff observing Ramadan

Hamira shares her tips for how to support colleagues taking part

RAAC: what you need to know

Crumbling concrete, found in some hospitals, is a safety risk. Here's what to do if you're worried

‘Patient attack forced me to leave nursing'

How the RCN helped one member get compensation after a shocking workplace incident

Student finances: practical tips

Struggling to make your finances add up?

5 steps to maths confidence

Every nurse needs basic maths skills, so if numbers make you nervous, read on

Crying at work: why it happens and what to do

Tips on how to cope when emotions take over in the workplace

Social media: the benefits and risks

It can be a positive force – if you use it responsibly

10 tips for applying for an RCN Foundation grant

Working in the heat: know your rights

Employers have a duty of care to keep you safe in hot weather

NHS workforce plan: what does it mean for nursing?

It's an ambitious plan, but how it will be delivered without proper workforce investment?

Academic writing: 10 top tips for your studies

Video: 'He was a hero'

How the RCN provided legal support after one nurse's tragic COVID-19 death

Are you an internationally educated nurse working in the NHS?

Here’s why you should vote ‘yes’ in our England strike ballot

5 ways to be an LGBTQ+ ally

Top tips to support your colleagues

Pension abatement: what you need to know 

Placements: A Student Survival Guide

Listen to our audio series for nursing students now

Long COVID: how we can help you

From navigating disability benefits to finding peer support, the RCN is here to help you

4 ways to talk to patients about strike action

Here’s how to explain why you’re prepared to join picket lines

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