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Pay justice needed now: research reveals depths of nursing pay cut

Above-inflation pay rise needed now, as new report shows concerning real-terms decline in public sector pay.

RCN to new First Minister: 3 urgent steps to rescue Welsh NHS

Helen Whyley, Director of RCN Wales, has written to the First Minister calling for immediate action to protect patients and secure the future of nursing in Wales.

Long overdue payments for nursing staff delivering NHS care

Following campaigning by the RCN, staff on Agenda for Change contracts who aren’t directly employed by the NHS will finally receive one-off payments promised last year by the government. 

Half of England's nursing staff could quit as analysis reveals impact of decade-long attack on pay

We are reiterating the urgency of a substantial pay rise for every member of the nursing workforce.

RCN members vote to reject pay offer for nursing staff in Northern Ireland

The results of the RCN’s consultation on the HSC pay offer for nursing staff in Northern Ireland have been announced.

COVID inquiry: RCN presents evidence on testing, PPE and staffing in the care sector

Care services were chronically under-resourced to deal with pandemic pressures and lessons must be learned, we told the inquiry.

Immediate action on pay and working conditions needed to halt nursing exodus, warns RCN

The government must urgently boost nursing salaries with a recruitment and retention payment alongside an above inflation pay rise for nursing staff this year. 

RCN equity, diversity and inclusion strategy: member survey now open

Members are encouraged to share their views and attend a workshop to help shape this crucial work. 

NHS staff survey shows nursing facing almost every type of abuse

Urgent measures needed to tackle abuse, improve morale and retain staff.

Budget 2024: Chancellor’s political choices will deepen nursing crisis

Today’s budget offers nothing for nursing, despite an escalating workforce crisis, as the Chancellor plays politics with the long-term future of our profession.

Public show strong support for nursing student loan forgiveness scheme

New polling shows 76% of the public would support student loans being written off for nurses who work in the NHS or other public services. We're urging the Chancellor to act in the budget. 

Voting opens for new HSC pay offer in Northern Ireland

Eligible members have until 6pm on Thursday 21 March to have their say.

How were staffing levels on your last shift?

Complete our survey to help us continue the fight for better staffing levels and patient care.

New campaign promotes employee work-life balance

The RCN has helped develop a campaign to promote flexible working to NHS staff. 

Pay offer on the table for HSC staff in Northern Ireland

The Department of Health and trade unions have concluded pay negotiations for HSC staff on Agenda for Change (AfC) terms and conditions, which includes nursing staff. 

Pay justice now: government must enhance nursing salaries to combat NHS staffing crisis

We’re demanding a significant pay enhancement of ‘several thousand’ to stem the exodus of nursing staff, alongside a substantial above-inflation NHS pay rise.

Israel and Gaza conflict: RCN reiterates call for ceasefire as MPs prepare for vote in UK parliament

We continue to condemn attacks on health care workers and their patients amid a worsening humanitarian crisis in the Middle East.

RCN demands emergency package of measures to boost nurse recruitment in March budget

We’ve written to the health secretary calling for urgent action to address the large fall in applicants to nursing degree courses in England.

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