NHS pensions in Scotland
Changes to NHS pension scheme from 1 October 2023
Changes to the NHS pension scheme came into force in Scotland as follows:
- Contribution rate increases, which are to be introduced over two years, started on 1 October 2023 - to maintain the correct level of funding in the NHS pension scheme
- The percentage of pension contributions scheme members will pay will be related to actual earnings rather then the full-time equivalent for the band and incremental point they are on - this is felt to be fairer approach and may result in reduced contribution for some part-time staff
- From October 2023 the NHS Pension scheme contributions tiers will increase annually in line with the average AFC pay increase - to ensure that the annual cost of living increase alone can lead to a scheme member moving up a tier of pension contributions.
The changes follow a final consultation by the Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) during July and August 2023.
RCN Scotland members participated in the consultation by attending a series of online session and submitting written feedback both to the RCN Scotland and directly to the SPPA.
The RCN response to the consultation indicated the RCN members were not in favour of increased contributions highlining the ongoing cost of living crisis and the potential impact of increased contributions and risk to scheme membership with RCN members like many today making hard choices.
Read our comment on the changes.
The RCN sits on the NHS Pension Scheme (Scotland) Advisory Board which provides advice to Scottish ministers on a broad range of policy matters relating to the pension scheme. However, the final decisions lie with ministers – the health trade unions are not able to negotiate on the NHS pension scheme.
RCN members are advised to seek independent financial advice about their individual circumstances and pension.
RCN consultation response
SPPA website
Page last updated - 13/12/2024