LAS Enquiry and Service Standards results against targets for 2022
How did we do? Customer satisfaction rating and results for target timescales against our library Enquiry and Service Standards for 2022

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We have updated our formerly separate LAS Enquiry Standards and our LAS Service Standards to become a combined set of LAS Enquiry and Service Standards. These standards detail the quality of customer service our members can expect to receive from library staff, as well as expected response times to enquiries. We continue to be committed to monitoring these standards and publishing the results. Here you can see our list of standards including target timescales and customer satisfaction percentages along with the actual achievement for 2022. In addition to a yearly summary, we publish quarterly infographics which update on current progress on many of these standards.
Data for these targets comes from a combination of internal monitoring periods, online feedback forms sent to members directly after using our services and our annual survey.
Your library - in person and online
Target |
2022 result |
We will achieve a 95% satisfaction rating of Library and Archive Service (LAS) Annual Survey respondents who were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the library services overall | 97% |
We will achieve a 95% satisfaction rating of “good” or “excellent” for events | 95% |
We will keep the Library and Heritage Centre open for 99% of our advertised hours, excluding planned closures | Achieved |
Our core library systems will be available 24/7 99% of the time excluding planned maintenance | Achieved |
We will report Library and Archive systems faults to suppliers within one working day of being aware of the problem | Achieved |
Your time is important to us – timeliness
Target |
2022 result |
We will pick up webchat enquiries within 90 seconds | 95% |
Phone calls will be answered within three rings | Monitoring period did not take place due to staff changes |
All donations offered will be accepted or rejected within 60 working days | Achieved |
We will supply an acknowledgement to email enquiries and complaints within one working day | 100% Q1-Q3 (target suspended in Q4 due to industrial action) |
We will answer archive enquiries within 10 days | Achieved |
We will supply a literature search in response to a request from members within 10 working days of receiving the request | Achieved |
Your support, we’re here to help… just ask
Target |
2022 result |
95% of attendees at drop-ins and 121 training sessions will rate the training as “excellent” or “good” | 100% |
98% of members will rate literature searches as good or excellent | 100% |
98% of customers will rate staff as knowledgeable | 99% |
98% of customers will rate staff as friendly and helpful | 99% |
100% of supervised special collections research sessions will be rated “good” or “excellent” | 100% |
95% of customers will be “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with our responses to enquiries and complaints | 94% |