Learning Disability Nursing
Use this guide to find information resources about learning disability nursing including books, reports and journal articles.
Last updated:
Key Resources
Adults with incapacity: forms and guidance (Scottish government)
The Learning Disabilities Review Programme (LeDeR) (2022) Annual report. Bristol: LeDeR
Mental capacity act (Northern Ireland) 2016.
NHS England (2018) Stopping over medication of people with a learning disability, autism or both (STOMP).
Reasonable adjustments for people with a learning disability (2018) GOV.UK.
Royal College of Nursing - Clinical topics in learning disabilities.
Royal College of Nursing (2021) Connecting for change: for the future of learning disability nursing. London: RCN
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (2021) Eating and drinking with acknowledged risks: multidisciplinary team guidance for the shared decision-making process (adults).
Eating and drinking with acknowledged risks refers to the decision to continue eating and drinking despite the associated risks from having dysphagia. These risks may refer to aspiration, malnutrition, dehydration and choking. This publication is endorsed by the RCN.
View page
Skills for Health (2019) Capabilities frameworks. Supporting autistic people and/or people with a learning disability.
Taggart L, Tripp H, Conder J, Whitehead L, Scott J, Rouse L, Redquest B, Lunsky Y and Truesdale M. (2021) International consensus guidelines: reasonable adjustments in the management of type 2 diabetes in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. International Association for the Scientific Study of
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD): Health Special Interest Research
National Autistic Society, Amazing Things Happen by Alexander Amelines.
We would like to thank the RCN Learning Disability Nursing member community for their input into the development of this subject guide.

Book subject searches
Journal articles
Use these links for details of journal articles on each topic.
- Aggressive behaviour and learning disability
- Autistic spectrum disorders
- Challenging behaviour and learning disability
- Complex needs and learning disability
- Criminal justice services
- Epilepsy
- Health inequalities and learning disability
- Learning disability
- Safeguarding and learning disability
- Sexuality and learning disabilities

- British journal of learning disabilities
- International journal of developmental disabilities
- Journal of adult protection
- Journal of intellectual and developmental disability
- Journal of intellectual disability research
- Learning disability practice
- Sexuality and disability
- Tizard learning disability review

This exhibition traces the fascinating origins and journey of learning disability nursing, from institutionalised care, through urgent changes in the twentieth century, to supporting people to live independent, fulfilling lives today.
View online exhibition
Nursing History Collection

Jukes M (2009) Learning disability nursing practice: origins, perspectives and practice. London: Quay.
Special collections
Our Permanent Collection consists of nursing specific core items and rare items. It is viewable by appointment at the RCN Library and Museum. Here is a small selection of items from our collection.
Gibson F (1958) Mental deficiency nursing. London: Faber and Faber.
Hallas C H (1978) The care and training of the mentally handicapped: a manual for the caring professions. Bristol: John Wright.
Royal Medico-Psychological Association (1931) Manual for mental deficiency nurses. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox.
The RCN Archive contains some of the most important collections dedicated to the history of the nursing profession in the UK. Visitors by appointment in Edinburgh.
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Lee Kattenhorn
Editor of this guide
RCN Library and Museum
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Page last updated - 17/09/2024