Critical Care and Flight Nursing.
Use this guide to find information resources about critical care and flight nursing including books, reports and journal articles.
Last updated:
RCN Learning
RCN: Introducing critical care
This programme will provide the participant with resources to support an introduction to critical care for the nursing and midwifery workforce. It is free for everyone to access.
View page
RCN: COVID-19 (coronovirus)
Royal College of Nursing (no date) RCN position on self-isolation of in-flight nursing crews. London: RCN.
Key Resources
Blumlein D and Griffiths (2022) Shock: aetiology, pathophysiology and management, British Journal Of Nursing, 31(8), pp. 422–428.
Elearning for healthcare (no date) Critical care intravenous therapy.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2024) Sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management. NICE guideline NG51.
Please check that guidance is applicable for your country. NICE guidance is officially England and Wales only.
View page
Critical Care Network National Nurse Leads (2015) National competency framework for registered nurses in adult critical care (Step competency framework), (no place): CC3N.
Intensive Care Society and The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (2019) The transfer of the critically ill adult. London: ICS.
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (2022) Guidelines for the provision of intensive care services. Version 2.1. London: FICM.
Royal College of Physicians (2017) National Early Warning Score (NEWS) 2: Standardising the assessment of acute-illness severity in the NHS. Updated report of a working party. London: RCP.
We would like to thank the RCN Critical Care and Flight Nursing member community for their input into the development of this subject guide.

Sole M L, Klein D G, Moseley M J, Makic M B F and Morata L T (2021) Introduction to critical care nursing. 8th edn. St. Louis: Elsevier.

Urden L, Stacy K and Lough M (eds.) (2022) Critical care nursing: diagnosis and management. 9th ed. Maryland Heights: Elsevier.
Book subject searches
Use these links to see details of books on each topic.
Journal articles
Journals of interest for continence care. Use these links to see details of availability.
Journals of interest for continence care. Use these links to see details of availability.
Critical care reviews : newsletter, meeting presentations, studies, review articles, guidelines and more
The bottom line: summaries and critiques of landmark papers on critical care
This subject guide relates to:

Dawn Williams
Editor of this guide
RCN Library and Museum
Page last updated - 17/09/2024