Key Resources
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2017) Moving between hospital and home, including care holes: a quick guide for registered managers of care homes and home care. NICE.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2015) Transition between inpatient hospital settings and community or care home settings for adults with social care needs. NICE guideline NG27. NICE.
NIHR Evidence (2021) Care homes: How can we improve the quality of care?

Royal College of Nursing (2023) Caring for older people: the essential role of the care home nurse. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2022) Older people in care homes: sex, sexuality and intimate relationships. London: RCN.
Royal College of Nursing (2022) Medicines optimisation in care homes. London: RCN.
Royal College of Nursing (2019) Moving and handling. London: RCN.
RCN: Care home journey online resource
This comprehensive resource supports nursing care in older peoples care homes. It follows a resident's journey from pre admission to end of life. The role of nursing staff in supporting the resident and their family is explored.
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Royal College of Nursing Scotland (2019) Registered nurses in care homes: meeting clinical need. London: RCN.
Declercq A, de Stampa M, Geffen L. et al. (2020) Why, in almost all countries, was residential care for older people so badly affected by COVID-19? (OSE working paper series, opinion paper no 23). Brussels: Observatoire Social European.
Department of Health and University of Leeds (2016) Administration of medicines in care homes (with nursing) for older people by care assistants. Evidence-based guidance for care home providers. London: DH.
Please check that guidance is applicable for your country.
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Dunn P, Allen L, Humphries R and Alderwick H (2020) Adult social care and COVID-19: assessing the policy response in England so far (briefing July 2020). London: The Health Foundation.
National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research (2020) Exploring the role of volunteers in care settings for older people. London: NIHR.
National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research (2020) Isolation and loneliness in people with sight loss in care homes. London: NIHR.
Dodsworth E, Oung C (2023) What does the provider market look like across the four countries? London: Nuffield Trust.
Please check that guidance is applicable for your country.
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Queens Nursing Institute (2021) Standards of education and practice for nurses new to care home nursing. London: QNI.
Queens Nursing Institute (2020) The experience of care home staff during Covid-19. London: QNI.
Queens Nursing Institute (2020) The work of community nurses: care home nurses. London: QNI.
Queens Nursing Institute (2018) Transition to care home nursing. London, QNI.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (2019) Person-centred care for older people in care homes. London: SCIE.
Social Care Institute for Excellence and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2020) Promoting positive mental wellbeing for older people: a quick guide for registered managers of care homes. London: NICE/SCIE.
Welsh NHS Confederation (2020) Engaging with the arts to improve health and wellbeing in social care settings. Cardiff: Welsh NHS Confederation.
RCN: COVID-19 (coronavirus)