RCN Library and Archive Service caption competition 2020

RCN Library and Archive Service caption competition 2020 - Rules
• Any user can take part by commenting on photos tagged #RCNCaptionComp which will be shared on the RCN Libraries Instagram and Facebook accounts during December 2020.
• Entries for the competition will be accepted during the time frame set out in each post – For example from 5pm Thursday 3 December 2020 to 5pm Thursday 10 December 2020.
• Entries on Facebook must be from accounts that have liked the “RCN Libraries” Facebook page in order to be considered for the prize.
• Entries on Instagram must be from accounts that are following @RCNLibraries in order to be considered for a prize.
• Up to two winners will be selected who will each receive a prize.
• The competition will be judged by RCN Library and Archive Staff.
• Competition entries will be judged according to creativity, originality and humour.
• The prize is a £20 voucher to spend in the Florence Nightingale Museum’s shop.
• Any person can enter multiple times but cannot win more than one prize for the duration of the competition.
• The prize will be sent electronically to the winner which they can then use in the Florence Nightingale Museum’s online shop.
• Winners will be notified on Facebook or Instagram (according to where they posted their answer) before 5pm the Thursday following when the competition ends.
• The RCN Library and Archive Service team reserves the right to end or suspend the competition at any time and the team's decision is final.