Get involved as an RCN student member
Championing the student voice
As an RCN student member, you can get more involved by becoming a student ambassador, attending Congress or standing for election to represent your peers.
Become an RCN student ambassador
This is a role for a nursing student who is passionate, who wants to make a difference, who has energy and enthusiasm and who is willing to become active with the RCN to make positive changes. The RCN Student Ambassador role is open to RCN members who are in the student member category.
Signposting and supporting
- Protect your health and wellbeing
- Direct students to RCN resources and services
- Help members develop networks to share experiences and encourage peer support
- Act as a role model for members
Connecting and campaigning
- Organise opportunities to be visible to members
- Encourage members to get involved with RCN campaigns, events and Congress
- Promote the professional services of the RCN Libraries
- Develop connections with members to share their experiences and to work collectively
Questioning and influencing
- Promote the RCN and recruit members and RCN student ambassadors
- Share examples of good and poor practice and organisational culture
- Encourage members to question and influence on student issues
- Create a link between universities, the RCN and members to promote partnership working
Become an RCN student ambassador
Please note that while we aim to process and respond to applications within 3-4 weeks, this is not always possible during busy periods of the year.
Have a question? Contact us
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