South Birmingham
Every member of the Royal College of Nursing is affiliated to their local RCN branch. If you are a member affiliated to the South Birmingham branch - and you can check which is your local branch on your RCN membership card - you can take advantage of opportunities to meet fellow members, discuss issues of local interest and concern and take part in events and activities aimed at promoting your professional development.
Your branch team
- Chair: Olga Leach-Walters
- Secretary: Claire Richardson
- Treasurer: Ruth Bowditch
- Committee member: Cheryl Nyabezi
- Committee member: Lucy Hayes
- Committee member: Jordan Kelly
Join our Facebook group
Keep up to date with the latest news, events and meetings, and join the conversation today.
Contact us
- 0345 772 6100
- Email:
Members' meetings and Local Learning Events
The RCN South Birmingham branch has scheduled its branch members’ meetings and Local Learning Events.
Local Learning Events are bite-sized chunks of development and learning that last no more than 90 minutes. By attending, you contribute to your CPD and NMC revalidation portfolio, and you receive a certificate of attendance for your portfolio. The events are free for RCN members and £20 + VAT for non-members, but the cost for non-members is redeemable upon applying for RCN membership on the day.
Page last updated - 08/06/2024